Injectable Dermal Fillers
Injected dermal fillers are a non-surgical treatment where material is placed into the skin and subcutaneous tissue, most commonly to treat facial folds and wrinkles.
Fillers can also be utilised for volume replacement, returning a more youthful appearance to the ageing face or hands, or for volume enhancement, giving a patient more prominent cheek bones or fuller lips.
The most common areas where fillers are utilised include:
– Nasolabial folds (lines from the nose to the mouth)
– Cheek bones
– Marionette lines (lines beneath the corner of the mouth)
– Pre-jowl sulcus (indentation on the side of the jowl)
– Lips
– Hands (aged hands lose fat and have more prominent tendons and veins)
– Lower eyelid rejuvenation
– Correction of nose bumps
– Acne Scars
If frown lines, forehead creases or other facial expression lines are preventing you from looking as good as you feel, cosmetic denervation with anti-wrinkle injections may be a good option for you.
View our Frequently Asked Questions below to find out more about Injectables.
Frequently Asked Questions
Anti-wrinkle injections are most commonly used to treat adults 30 and older. However, patients of any age can benefit from treatment.
You may be a good candidate for cosmetic anti-wrinkle injections if you have any of the following conditions:
– Frown lines (vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows)
– Forehead creases (horizontal forehead lines)
– “Crow’s feet” near the eyes
– Platysmal bands, which appear in the neck as thick bands or “cords”
Treatment is most effective for frown lines, forehead creases, crow’s feet and platysmal bands.
In addition to its cosmetic use, anti-wrinkle injections have a long record of safe and effective use in treating other conditions, such as:
– Eyelid spasm or eye muscle spasm that can cause crossed eyes
– Facial muscle imbalance
– Spasms of the neck muscles
– Spastic muscles in patients with cerebral palsy
– Newer research has found that anti-wrinkle injections may also provide some relief for:
– Migraine headaches
– Excessive sweating of the palms or underarms
A personal consultation is the first step for every patient considering anti-wrinkle injection treatment. During this meeting, Dr McHugh will assess your physical and emotional health and discuss your specific treatment goals.
You should arrive at the consultation prepared to give complete information about:
– Past and present medical conditions (If you’re a woman, your surgeon must know if you are pregnant or are nursing a child.)
– Medical treatments or recent psychological counseling you may have received
– Medications that you take, including nutritional supplements and herbal remedies
– Any allergies you may have
During your physical evaluation, Dr McHugh will assess your bone structure, the texture and elasticity of your skin and the muscle activity of your upper face.
Dr McHugh may explain additional procedures that can be performed in combination with anti-wrinkle injections to better meet your appearance goals. Some of the procedures that might be considered include:
– A facelift, which removes excess skin and tightens muscles in the mid and lower face
– Eyelid surgery, which can correct excessive skin overhang in the upper eyelids and minimize puffy bags beneath the eyes
Anti-wrinkle injections are quick and associated with very little pain. Often, patients remark that the ultra-thin needle that is used makes the injections far less uncomfortable than expected. The simple office procedure typically takes 10 minutes or less and the actual injections take only seconds. No anaesthesia is required. However, if you are especially sensitive, your surgeon may elect to use a topical numbing cream.
The number of anti-wrinkle injections you’ll need depends on the areas that are affected. For the neck or forehead, you can probably expect about 8-12 injections; for frown lines between the eyebrows, 5-7 injections; and for lines around the eyes, 2-3 injections for each eye.
Dr McHugh will target the hyper-kinetic muscles, that is, the over-active muscles that are responsible for movement and expression.
For deep horizontal creases across the forehead or furrows between the eyebrows that are caused by ageing, Dr McHugh may recommend an endoscopic forehead lift.
If the wrinkles on your face are mainly caused by sun damage or aging and are not concentrated to the upper third of your face, Dr McHugh may recommend a skin-resurfacing technique such as dermabrasion or laser resurfacing to shrink the wrinkles and create a smoother appearance.
Though it is unusual, you may experience some mild discomfort, bruising and/or swelling at the injection site. If any of these side effects becomes bothersome, Dr McHugh may give you medication or suggest that you apply ice to the affected area.
You may return to work or your normal daily activity immediately after the treatment. However, for the first 3 to 5 hours after the injections, you’ll be advised to avoid bending or straining. Exercise or facial massage may spread the medication to an area where it is not needed. The goal is for the toxin to be taken into the muscle at the place where it was injected. After a few hours have passed, you may resume any activity or exercise.
The duration of the results may vary. In general, you can expect your results to last for three to five months.
The effect of anti-wrinkle injections may take several hours or even several days to develop. The duration of the results may vary.
However, in general, you can expect your results to last for three to five months.
If you find that your treatment did not produce the look that you had hoped for, Dr McHugh may recommend a repeat treatment.
Patients are typically quite pleased with the results of this quick outpatient procedure. Most are surprised at how simple it is to maintain the results with regular treatments.
To maintain your softer, more relaxed appearance, you will need to see Dr McHugh every 3-6 months for repeat treatments.
You may find that as the muscles gradually weaken from lack of use, your repeat treatments will become less frequent.
However, it’s important to be aware that if you discontinue your treatments altogether, your appearance will return to its earlier state.
At your return visits, Dr McHugh will assess your results, modify your treatments if needed and address any questions or concerns you may have.

His dual specialisations enable him to deliver excellence in surgical results, with an eye for aesthetic beauty.
With over 20 years of experience as a surgeon in the private sector and performing international aid work as a Surgeon Commander with the Royal Australian Navy, you can have confidence that Dr McHugh is uniquely qualified and trusted to deliver the results you seek.